Wednesday, September 21, 2011


it's amazing how much my belly grows from week to week!

Friday, March 25, 2011

Seaside Donuts

Seaside Bakery on Newport Pier.....AMAZING. I can't get enough. Their donuts are the best I have ever had I think, and I have had A LOT of doughnuts. Scarlett and Blaine loved it. Scarlett always wants two chocolate sprinkle ones. She was telling me one night she wanted to go the next day on a date to get donuts and she was going to get a chocolate one and have chocolate all over her face. That she did. 

Friday, February 18, 2011

I'll make you one if you come hang out with me

It's 79 degrees, and I'm sitting in the hammock and drinking a smoothie. I love my life.

Saturday, January 29, 2011

nice weather

this week the weather has been so nice! we were outside until dark last night!

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

why you shouldn't build your house on a cliff.....

This is right by our guessing it's damage from all the flooding that took place last month. How scary would that be!

fruits and veggis

We got our "veggie box" today!
can't wait to use that spaghetti squash... yummmmyyy

(umm actually all of it looks pretty good.)

Sunday, January 23, 2011


Today in church Levi wouldn't stop kissing Scarlett. He would just suck on her face. This picture was taken by Brandon on his phone, so it's a little blury but I thought it was so sweet.